All Bakar cuts are Kosher for Pesach. We hope to have more filet in stock beginning of April.

Back from Bakarciones

Our sweet vacay is over and we are back to work delivering orders and packing shipments!
But let's be honest, even when we're on "vacaciones" we are still on "Bakarciones" because we're thinking Bakar non-stop. And that's good for everyone because we always want to make Bakar Meats the best it can be for all of us. Except of course for the not-so-nice customs agent in Mexico who took all our meat away when we arrived. One agent said we could keep it because it was in USDA packaging, and the other said we couldn't. So it was a Mexican standoff....and we lost. The agent from SAGARPA said he would have to confiscate our Bakar Meats and "incinerate them". But between you and me, we know that incinerate is keyword for BBQ. I told him, no problem, but please know, once you taste Los Bakar Meats, you will never be the same. ¡NUNCA!